About the project

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In 2023 and 2024 the project aims to network initiatives, activists, organisations, NGOs, etc. from Schleswig-Holstein with civil society groups and organisations from regions in Latin America. We identify partners, who will virtually work on common topics together. In Spring 2024 up to 20 people from Latin America will have the opportunity to come to Schleswig Holstein as part of a spring school in order to meet with the people from SH that they have worked with and to intensify what they have been working on together.

The project contributes to changing fixed and discursively (through media, history, society, etc.) formed images about regions outside our familiar environment.

This project goes beyond just connecting people, participants will work on relevant global issues of our time, such as human rights and the constitution, agroecology and climate-just nutrition, hunger or discrimination against minorities. The basis is the Global Learning approach. In other words, constructive cooperation on global problems combined with concrete practical experience. We focus on impulse-giving exchanges of experience and mutual learning from each other. In summary: We want to enable equal action- and reality-oriented, eye-level and barrier-free learning.

Every two years, the project will focus on a different region of the global South. In the end, at best, a large, sustainable global network is created, which is in active exchange. The project is carried out by the Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung Schleswig-Holstein e.V. (eng.: Heinrich Böll Foundation SH) and the Bündnis Eine Welt Schleswig-Holstein e.V. (eng.: Alliance one World SH) in close cooperation with the Heinrich-Böll-Bundesstiftung (eng.: Heinrich Böll Federal Foundation).


Developmental cooperation often has it difficult to escape the continuation of colonialism. At the same time, the reality of life in the global south are barely present in everyday life in Schleswig-Holstein. Because of this we want to take the path of direct cooperation with this project, this is to reduce barriers and to create and convey multi-perspective views and a (self-)critical perspective on global conditions and privileges. An important part of the project is the active examination and critical reappraisal of the historical causes of global injustice as well as the current socio-political and economic developments arising from them. The aim is to develop a perspective that puts learning from the global South at the forefront, to learn about each other's approaches and perspectives in dealing with the respective socio-political challenges is an important part of that.

Participants broaden their perspective in regards to their socio-political participation. They gain new perspectives through a global exchange of information and global joint work processes. Power and skill sharing takes place, i.e. the sharing of power and knowledge, which strengthens the motivation for one's own (political) work and commitment.